+33 6 49 63 34 12

200+ carp to to 60lb+

Ideal for 1 or 2 anglers on an exclusive basis

Accommodation for four

3 acre lake set in our own land of 15 acres.

La Bersonniere

La Bersonniere is a genuine 3 acre lake set in our own land of 15 acres. We like to think of ourselves as a throwback old school carp fishery offering something a little different for just 1 or 2 anglers and we only offer the lake on an exclusive basis.

Our lake has been developed over the last 8 years with very little fishing pressure and offers a fantastic opportunity for stalking, margin and surface fishingand we do this by opening for a limited period. Float fishing and float ledgering also take big carp here. The fish also respond well to traditional bottom fishing methods.

About us
We purchased the lake back in 2015 and at that point it was a barren hole in the ground with no trees and situated in open countryside. During the last 8 years we have planted the lake so that it’s now surrounded with greenery and a wildlife haven and completely private and in a few areas we have left it a little wild to improve its diversity.

Our vision was to have something different from other fisheries and also to pander to my preferred style of fishing and a throwback to those childhood and young adult days when you were the only angler on an undeveloped piece of water where you could watch the carp cruise by and feed in the shallows and margins.

What we offer is an opportunity to fish a bit differently with the ability to margin fish close up, stalk fish, surface fish, float fish and float ledger. This is possible due to the fact we have limited opening per year as we rest the lake for long periods to allow the fish to recover and grow as they should.

Should our guests wish we also offer the opportunity to purchase the week prior to their week so the fish are rested prior to their arrival, we offer this at a substantially reduced rate as we know it enhances our guest experience and also reduces stress for the fish.

Our lake has had very little angling pressure during this time while we have hand picked and grown our stock of around 200+ fish. Through this period it has mainly been fished by myself and over the last 2 years just a couple of select groups.

We have no man made swims and by this I mean no railway sleepers with gravel or bark but what we do have is selected areas to Bivvy should you wish to and cut throughs to allow great access to the water and of course intimate access to our fish.

We have a mixture of Mirrors, Commons, Grass Carp, Ghosties and a few Koi and we are what I class as a mixed size fishery which means we do have smaller fish as well as very large fish and the reason for this is that we do not wish to stock year on year and therefore limit the possibility of disease.

The Fish
We have 200+ fish here of varying sizes with fish to 60lb+ and a good head of larger fish. We have Commons, Mirrors, Grass Carp, Ghosties and some Koi.

A lot of our fish are very individual with one very distinct fish of well over a metre long and when last caught was at 54lb. It is a true classic.

There are some smaller carp in the lake which are our future big carp, this stops us from having to bring in additional stock and risk disease every few years.

The fish respond well to a host of quality bollies and are fed with our feeder bollies, Goussant pellet and particle. We do not allow particle that has not been prepared by ourselves due to fish safety issues.

The Lake
A true 3 acre lake with varying depths from 0-2.5 metres. Clover leaf shaped with 3 distinct bays. It is almost completely surrounded by trees with the exception of two open areas.

Swims: We have no traditional man made swims but there are two areas which enable traditional fishing.

The home swim is situated at the front of the lake and a great place to fish when there is a southerly wind. You can watch the fish cruise in and feed right into the margins. The point swim easily accommodates 2 and gives access to all areas of the lakes. At the rear of the lake we have a small pontoon which is a great place to sit with a single rod and watch the fish cruise past your feet.

We have a number of cut throughs to small swims all around the lake which give both privacy and access to stalked fish, these are the spots where you will see big fish swim right past your rod tips and offer a great opportunity to set your traps and test your ability. Through these cut throughs there is access to all the lake. Bivvies, if required, can be set up on the home swim or the point swim which offers flat land.

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Why Choose Us?

lake exclusive carp fishing holidays

  • We are seasoned carp anglers
  • We know what UK anglers expect from a holiday venue
  • Unique, low fished venues

Top Class Fishing

lake exclusive carp fishing

  • Commons, Mirrors & Ghosties to 60lb+
  • 200+ carp in 3 acres
  • The perfect venue to enjoy with friends

Value for Money

lake exclusive carp fishing holiday

  • Accommodation 100m from the lake
  • BBQ, swimming pool & food packages
  • Toilets, showers and charging facilities on site

Give Us A Call Today +33 6 49 63 34 12 For Availability

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